Zoning Officer
Sara Knies 908-995-4323 x2004
Hours: by appointment

Please call or email with questions.
Zoning Department Forms
Zoning Board Members
Carol Bernotas, Chairperson
Jeffrey Livingston Vice Chair
Henri Schepens
Helen Livingston
Brenda O’Shea
Regina Stem
Tara Felicio
Jef Betz - Alternate #1
Joseph David - Alternate #2
Zachary Houghton-Alternate # 3
Official Meeting Dates
WHEREAS, Section 13, of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, requires that at least once a year, not later than January 10th of such year, every public body shall post and mail to newspapers designated by said Body, a schedule of the location, time and date of each regular monthly meeting of said Body during the succeeding year.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Joint Planning Board & Board of Adjustment, Borough of Milford, County of Hunterdon, State of New Jersey, on this 3rd day of January 2024 that the OFFICIAL MEETING DATES for 2024 shall be as follows:
The regular meetings of the Joint Planning Board & and Board of Adjustment, Borough of Milford,
County of Hunterdon, State of New Jersey shall:
1. Begin at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time on the Fourth Wednesday of each month for the year 2024, except when said fourth Wednesday shall conflict with a Legal Holiday. In such event, the meeting shall be held at the discretion of the Board.
2. The dates of said meetings are as follows:
4th Wednesdays (Agenda Deadline)
January 24 (1/3)
February 28 (2/7)
March 27 (3/6)
April 24 (4/3)
May 22 (5/1)
June 26 (6/5)
July 24 (7/3)
August 28 (8/7)
September 25 (8/4)
October 23 (10/2)
November 20 (10/30)
December 18 (11/27)
Formal Action may or may not be taken.
This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon publication. This being submitted at the Reorganization Meeting of the Milford Borough Joint Planning Board & Board of Adjustment, held on January 3, 2024.
Submitted by:
Sara Knies
Planning Board Clerk
This office is charged with administrating and enforcing the Code of the Borough of Milford. Please contact this office regarding the proposed:
Land Use & Commercial Use Questions
Zoning Regulation and Local Laws for the Borough of Milford
Lot-line re-alignments
Site Plans/Amended Site Plans
Special Use Permits
Grading Permits
Temporary Outdoor Sales/ Promotional Events Permits
Sign permits
Most Frequently Asked Zoning Questions:
What are my setback requirements?
Depends on the zone you are in. Setback requirements also differ regarding whether you are constructing a principal dwelling/addition or a separate free-standing accessory structure.
Do I need a permit for a shed?
Yes. A zoning permit shall be required for all pool permits and shed permits in all zones.
Can I subdivide my property?
Only if you have enough property to create lots that will meet all the minimum bulk requirements in your particular zone.
Do you have a survey of my property?
Rarely, unless a home was built very recently and the Building Department has an as-built survey on file.
Do I need a permit for a fence?
Yes. Zoning permits are required for all fences regardless of height. Any fences over 6' in height also require a Construction Permit.
Do I need a permit to run a business out of my house?
Only if what is proposed meets the definition of a “Home Occupation.” Some uses, such as “Home Office,” are permitted but require a Special Use Permit and Site Plan approval from the Planning Board.
Why wasn’t I notified that my neighbor is building a house, pool, deck, etc.?
No notification is made unless the proposed structure requires a Variance or a Special Use Permit. Then the abutting and adjoining neighbors are notified before a public hearing on the matter. You may wish to view this website monthly for agendas for the Planning Board for more information.