RFP Water Operator
Borough of Milford
30 Water Street
Milford, New Jersey 08848
Invitation to Submit Proposals For
Professional Services
The Borough of Milford (Borough) is soliciting proposals from firms or individuals to operate the Borough of Milford Water System on a part-time basis. Firms or individuals shall provide to the Borough all qualifications, licenses and resumes of operators and authorized individuals to perform daily, monthly and yearly duties for testing, reporting, and supervision of the water system and its components.
Successful individuals or firms shall be capable in the operation and reporting requirements for the Borough Water Department. The person(s) shall be responsible for the following:
Scope of Work
a. Person(s) shall assume the duties of Water Superintendent/licensed Operator for the Borough of Milford Water Department.
b. Record daily water utilization and reports concerning the water usage at all Borough wells.
c. Be responsible for chlorination controls, changing chlorine, maintenance of all pumps. Record daily chorine residual readings.
d. Be responsible for scheduling required testing for all parameters within the water system sources. Schedule labs for pickup and testing. Submit all testing reports to NJDEP as required.
e. Work with the Borough Council and professionals for asset management plan updates, capital projects, water accountability act requirements, lead and copper service inspection and replacement contracts, PFOS and other items as needed.
f. Report to the Water Commissioner monthly (minimum) and provide a written monthly report noting activities performed by person(s), any issues that need attention and be on call 24/7 for any issues that arise with the water system. If the operator is not available, the person(s) will be responsible for coordinating a replacement or backup as required.
g. Work with utility clerk on meter reading issues. Investigate any water meters or service lines that are out of working order. Borough employees from Streets and Roads will be responsible for reading meters.
h. Schedule, coordinate and report leak detection surveys, hydrant flushing and valve exercising program. Streets and Roads workers will perform the labor to complete the tasks.
i. Be available for all NJDEP inspections, resident complaints, suspected leaks.
j. Work with public works staff on water line and service markout as required.
k. Prepare and oversee any capital improvement requirements or suggestions.
l. Other incidental items related to the water system.
RFP documents are available on the Borough of Milford Website or emailing rmartucci@martucciengllc.com.
Responses must be emailed to the Borough Clerk, Leigh Gronau, at milfordclerk@gmail.com by 4pm on or before December 5, 2024
By order of the Mayor and Clerk
Henri Schepens, Mayor
Leigh Grunau, Clerk
Borough of Milford
30 Water Street
Milford, NJ 08848